Stucco Installation in Irvine, California 

Many local homeowners experience Stucco damage due to excessive moisture or improperly draining on property. When Stucco Siding has begun to deteriorate, moisture from water sources will enter flaws and cracks, causing Stucco Siding failure.  

When Stucco absorbs water, it begins to break down and the first sign of damage can be paint peeling from your home’s exterior. While this is unattractive, the real problem can be mold. Prevent further damage to interior walls and contact Irvine Stucco to repair any imperfections today. 

Stucco, like all sidings, ages with exposure to sun, water, and sweltering summer heat. Even when properly applied and coated, stucco will need maintenance and restoration as it ages. Have Irvine Stucco come and give you a free, no-risk estimate. We can help develop a plan to keep your home beautiful. 

Often we require our homeowners to address any drainage concerns before Stucco work is started. This ensures that your new Stucco lasts a good long time, saving you money in the long run. 

Many drainage issues are simple fixes, such as adjusting downspouts or cleaning any gutters. Other situations may require grading changes or removal of plants against the home. Usually, these problems can be addressed and resolved quickly, allowing Irvine Stucco to begin restoring your home!

We look forward to serving you and answering any of your questions. Contact us today with questions about our many stucco services. 


We keep your home beautiful!  949-281-6163



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